A couple days ago, in the midst of the zillions things going on, I panicked:
Oh, no! Christmas cards!
I totally forgot. So I figured I had two choices:
1. Stop everything and bring all kinds of stress and Christmas chaos into my house just so I could get cards printed, labeled, and out the door on time. 2. Wave the white flag and admit that this year, the Christmas cards are just not going to happen—at least in their usual way.
In the interest of keeping the peace in my home—and saving some trees, money, and my sanity—I went with number 2. So this year, we decided to send our warmest wishes electronically. This is a bigger deal for me than you might think. In doing this, I’m giving up, admitting that I can’t do it all. I can’t keep up. But that’s okay, refreshing even. So, if you didn’t get the e-card, here’s what we wrote:
It’s been an interesting year—one filled with joy, sadness, stress, fun, work, play, reading, writing, thinking, planning, school, and adventure.
Over the course of 2007, Rafi’s been “rebranding” his business, Caryn’s been working on her first book, Henrik started kindergarten, Greta started preschool, and Fredrik started, well, everything.
But it’s been a terrific year—full of opportunities to use our gifts, to grow as people (and watch people grow!), and to experience God’s grace, love, and faithfulness.
This Christmas—and beyond—we hope you experience our Savior’s abounding love, amazing grace, and great faithfulness.
Merry Christmas!
The Rivadeneiras
I just discovered your blog from a link on Today’s Christian Woman. It is a great site.
This year I didn’t send out cards either, but put our families Christmas message on our web page. I enjoy it much more than addressing all of those cards and envelopes!