[Prayer Spark: Finding my name on Rachel Held Evans‘ 101 Christian Women Speakers] So God… …right off the bat this is going to sound like the worst sort of humble brag: a fake prayer offered as a humble brag. But you know my heart here, God, right? If I’m humble bragging, forgive me. If I’m […]
A Prayer for English Teachers
[Prayer spark: Karen Swallow Prior’s tweet about Tess of the d’Urbervilles and the tweet-versation that’s been making me smile all day. Stupid Angel Clare…] So God, Thanks for the men and women who stand up in front of classrooms every day–or most days–and talk about books. About plot and characters and and theme and denouement. And whatever […]
Prayers for a Congregation #2
[Prayer Spark: Thanksgiving. I prayed this at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church’s Thanksgiving Day 2013 service. Putting up a couple days late….you know, the holidays.] God, we thank you. We thank you for every last blessing you pour into our lives. We thank you for the blessings we take for granted: for freedom to worship, for […]
A Prayer for Those For Whom “It Coulda Been Worse”
[Prayer Spark: Illinois tornado victims] So God, I’ve gotten lazy again. Not chatting with you much beyond my daily repetition of three Lord’s Prayers or the prayers with my kids on the drive to school or the ones I shoot up, randomly. Thanks for hearing all those. Thanks for being ready to hear me, to […]
A Prayer for School Kids
So God, You know that one of the many (many!) things I love about school and my kids being at school is that I get the chance to miss them. Without them here asking me to make them chai (God, this isn’t normal, right?) or asking for help with homework or to help get a toy out […]
A Lament for the Philippines
[Prayer Spark: The news…] God, for days, I’ve wanted to type this out. I wanted to ask you to help the people of the Philippines–to help?us?help them. But I’ve not had words. Only groans. You’ve heard those. But they’re harder to blog down. I suppose it’s because I’m mad at you–the God of the Wind, […]