“It is easier to deal with disappointed women than angry men.”
–Anne Olsen
This little nugget from my friend, Anne, is one of the best things I’ve ever heard! This truth explains what just happened in my church and much of what has happened through human history.
Am I wrong?
I am sorry for your church. I know it’s not God’s will to have gender/race/economic discrimination in the church, but –speaking from my own experience — I think maybe if we turn this upside down, this injustice may be a chance for you to have a perspective that a male leader could never have. Jesus always was in the low places, and by being “forced” there by your church, perhaps it is a God given opportunity to know more of Jesus (at this point in your life) than you ever could as a person with power, and ultimately, perhaps this is how God wants you to know him more deeply, esp in this season of God coming down to the lowest level, as Emmanuel. Though the church is supposed to know and reflect this truth, perhaps it’s just God’s hidden way of growing you, who are sensitive to it, and for that reason alone, I think you should not leave this church, but wait for God there. I am currently part of a church which has many deep problems but I am finding God is making streams in the wilderness, some privately and some publicly, through them all.
My sister, if all of the women of your ministry not sure up for 3 major services how would that impact your ministry. Ninty to ninty-five percent of churches congregants are women. Don’t they know that there would be no church if it was not for women.