- Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 1414338015
- Published: September 1, 2011
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What the Book Jacket Says:
If you had told Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeneira while she was crying on the kitchen floor that she could find a way to praise God in this situation, she wouldn’t have believed you. In fact, she might have thrown something at you. Looking around at a life that was disappointingly different from what she’d dreamed, she couldn’t imagine honestly singing out a hallelujah. But then it occurred to her that, well, maybe she could manage to grumble one.
Have you been there? During life’s lowest moments, it is so tempting to blame ourselves, our circumstances, or God. But what would happen if we turned to God and managed to praise him instead, in whatever way we could? Might he show up and help us find the things in our lives that he made to be loved? Grumble Hallelujah offers humor, candid stories, and solid scriptural backing that will help you see clearly just how your life is meant to be lived—and loved.
What People Say:
Reading Grumble Hallelujah is like having coffee with a wise, warm, honest friend when you’re having a horrible day. I felt both understood and challenged in just the right combination—like Caryn has been there, like she can help me get to a better place.
Shauna Niequist, Author of Cold Tangerines and Bittersweet
Grumble Hallelujah is an authentic book about what it means to thrive in the daily-ness of life. Through its pages you’ll be inspired to live with an expectant, open heart. Rivadeneira’s voice and experience make for a refreshing read.
Mary DeMuth, Author of Thin Places
Grumble Hallelujah will challenge you to love the life God has for you, not with trite clichés or easy answers, but from a woman who displays the grace and mercy of one who is desperately seeking to live like Jesus . . . even in the grumbling.
Jenni Catron, Executive Director, Cross Point Church, Nashville