Dear God: As Jesus made it so I had to confess murder yesterday, so does he make it that I have to confess adultery today. Great. Though not everyone is quick to make the Bible gender inclusive, and therefore not everyone would agree Jesus was speaking to me, I feel confident in assuming that when […]
Folks Prayers
My Lenten Confessional: Day 10
Dear God: If it weren’t for Jesus, I’d have nothing to confess today (of course, if it weren’t for Jesus, I wouldn’t be forgiven either so….). If this were Old Testament times, I could happily claim I’ve never once broken today’s commandment. I have never, ever murdered anyone. But Jesus complicates it by broadening this […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 9
Dear God: So that 5th commandment: honor thy father and mother. I love my parents, but as I read this passage this morning, I realized this has to be to be the commandment I’ve broken more than any other in my life. From my days as a talk-backing, eye-rolling child I was to the–well–talk-backing, eye-rolling […]
My Lenten Confession: Day 8
Dear God: Your 4th commandment says: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to theLord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 7
Dear God: The 3rd commandment says to not misuse your name. And yet I do. Though I don’t use “Oh my God” as a exclamation, I use “Good Lord” that way, I’ve just realized now. Forgive me for that. But I suspect this is the least of my errors when it comes to using your […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 6
Dear God: Today I confess breaking Commandment #2: worshipping “graven images.” Though this one is tricky. It’d be easier if I were the sort of Presbyterian who will not have pictures of Jesus for fear of breaking this commandment. Not that my home is overrun with pictures of you, Jesus. But we’ve got them. In […]