While I haven’t signed a contract yet, I spent last week negotiating some terms of an offer made to me to publish my book. I’m beyond excited—not only because this is truly a dream come true, but because I believe that this whole identity crisis women face when we become moms has a solution—if we get talking […]
Me, on Men
It’s been an exhilerating, insane, and dream-achieving week. Once I catch my breath and reconnect my brain wih my body, I’ll write more about this. But we’re talking book deals and movie rights and I love it all! In the meantime, here’s a bit of what I wrote for GiftedForLeadership.com today: Let Men Hold the […]
Speaking in Church
This afternoon our congregation had the opportunity to address “Council” about our feelings on the issue of women serving in the offices of elder and deacon. After taking a glorious walk to church for the meeting, these are the few words I shared. I’d write more—because the whole experience was really enlightening—but I want to […]
Outing Ourselves
Apparently, there had been rumors, but I hadn’t heard them. And I didn’t see this coming at all. I guess my literary gaydar’s not that good—or perhaps Albus Dumbledore had cast a spell to throw off the gaydar frequencies. Let’s just say J.K. Rowling’s outing of Harry Potter’s beloved headmaster threw me for a big loop. Not because of the […]
A Guilt-Free Me
The other morning I brought my oldest son to his first kindergarten field trip. As I watched the slew of kids get on the busses, followed and generally wrangled by a smaller slew of moms and one dad, I asked my friend Pamela when the sign-up was to accompany the kids. She said that those were […]
Me on Gossip
Psst: I just heard that I posted something on gossip at Gifted For Leadership. Here’s a sampling, then check it out: Gossips Anonymous A little while back, I learned a very juicy (and heartbreaking) tidbit of info. While I was dying to follow up with a “Why? What happened?” I didn’t. I simply said I’d […]