This weekend I passed up an opportunity to “step out of my life for 24 to 36 hours.” I was asked to fly to Massachusetts to listen to a teaching pastor my church is considering. I had to pass because I’m still nursing my son and as tempting as it was to “step out” (as it […]
Counting Correctly
As a good American mother, I’ve spent considerable time thinking about and some time talking to my kids (in ways the five-and-under crowd can understand) what “success” looks like—working harder, working smart, and all that. As a good Christian mother, I’ve tried to impress on them that success is using the gifts God gave you to the best […]
Living Plenty
“If we believe that there is only so much to go around, we hold on tightly to what we have and always strive to secure more of what is vanishing. If we believe in plenty, we are not afraid of suddenly finding ourselves without what we need. This allows us to take big, confident risks.” […]
A Genetic ID
Yesterday, my Facebook News Feed alerted me that my second cousin, Asa, from Sweden—a woman I’ve met a few times but barely know—was “in bed with a baby and a laptop.” I laughed when I saw this. Because even though I’ve never seen her house (aside from the photos showing its pastures, lakes, dogs, and horses!)—let alone […]
Identity Crisis, Revisited
While I haven’t signed a contract yet, I spent last week negotiating some terms of an offer made to me to publish my book. I’m beyond excited—not only because this is truly a dream come true, but because I believe that this whole identity crisis women face when we become moms has a solution—if we get talking […]
Outing Ourselves
Apparently, there had been rumors, but I hadn’t heard them. And I didn’t see this coming at all. I guess my literary gaydar’s not that good—or perhaps Albus Dumbledore had cast a spell to throw off the gaydar frequencies. Let’s just say J.K. Rowling’s outing of Harry Potter’s beloved headmaster threw me for a big loop. Not because of the […]