Now, I feel bad writing this post because I am a Christian, I love my church, and I love The Church in general, but today after dropping my daughter off at preschool (isn’t this how my last post started?), I chatted with a fellow mother who was having a rough day. In the course of […]
A Guilt-Free Me
The other morning I brought my oldest son to his first kindergarten field trip. As I watched the slew of kids get on the busses, followed and generally wrangled by a smaller slew of moms and one dad, I asked my friend Pamela when the sign-up was to accompany the kids. She said that those were […]
Dividing People
“We are much too inclined in these days to divide people into permanent categories, forgetting that a category only exists for its special purpose and must be forgotten as soon as that purpose is served.” –Dorothy L. Sayers, “Are Women Human?” I think we would all agree with this wisdom. So why do we keep […]
Public Nursing
Now I’m nothing if not a militant nurser—which is just about the last thing I’d ever have thought I’d be. I remember being disgusted by women who would pull out their boobs and flagrantly nurse their babies. Where are you supposed to look? I’d think. Then of course I had kids and discovered I could win trophies for nursing. There isn’t […]
Free to Be…You and Me
Last night during a middle-of-the-night nursing session, the song “Free to Be You and Me” ran through my head. This is one of those “You know you’re a child of the 70s if…” songs. So if you are, you know it. If you aren’t, click here. I remember singing it in a grade school program […]