Last week while hiking around Horseshoe Island, just off the “coast” of Peninsula State Park in beautiful Fish Creek, Wisconsin, I realized something:while I can be as (sort of) adventuresome as the next person, I really hate notknowing where I’m going. See, not long after we had beached our kayaks on thedeserted island and set […]
Found Love
I grew up in a musical-theater-loving family. Not that any of us were in musicals, mind you, but we went to these shows regularly, watched the movie-versions religiously, and sang along to show tunes in the car and at home. For the most part, a great way to grow up. Except for one part, well, […]
‘Incapable of Insignificance’
If you scroll down a couple posts, you’ll see a comment from Dawn, who’s wrestling with church roles. She’s been on my mind a lot lately because I think her note personifies exactly what a lot of us go through in various forms, in various ways. I’ve been wanting to respond to her–you, if you’re […]
Prayer for Church People
Tonight I participated in a prayer service at my church. I was asked to pray for the “groups” at my church—the young, the old, the married, the single, and so on. It’s kind of a weird thing to write out a prayer beforehand–and even weirder to practice it in the kitchen!–but this tapped into something […]
Your Identity in Christ
If you’re a person (or maybe I should just say “a woman”—men probably get a different answer) who’s ever wrestled with your identity and if you run with the church crowd, you’ve heard this: Find your identity in Christ. Am I right? As part of the book I’m working on, I maintain that this is a good answer to the […]
‘Rich in Other Ways’
This morning I overheard one of the moms from church preschool trying to explain to her child why there were trays full of peanut butter by the coat racks. “They’re for people who can’t afford to buy food,” she said. “But those people are rich in other ways.” Her daughter asked, “What ways?” And she answered, “I […]