Oh, Dear God: I smile every time I come across the 9th commandment in any way, shape or form. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor,” you say. “Do not lie,” is perhaps the easier translation. I smile–as you know–because of that day when my therapist, way back in college, told me I was […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 13
Dear God: “Do not steal,” your commandments say. And I admit: I’m pretty good about following this, in the traditional sense. I’ve never tried to sneak a candy bar out of a store, never even been tempted. I don’t wonder how many purses I could stuff in my purse and if I could get away […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 12
So God: Today I need to take a break from asking forgiveness for breaking one of the commandments. Since the biggest sin on my heart right now is election-related. While I vote–each and every time–because men and women fought (died!) too hard for my right to vote for me to be “too busy” or “too […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 11
Dear God: As Jesus made it so I had to confess murder yesterday, so does he make it that I have to confess adultery today. Great. Though not everyone is quick to make the Bible gender inclusive, and therefore not everyone would agree Jesus was speaking to me, I feel confident in assuming that when […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 10
Dear God: If it weren’t for Jesus, I’d have nothing to confess today (of course, if it weren’t for Jesus, I wouldn’t be forgiven either so….). If this were Old Testament times, I could happily claim I’ve never once broken today’s commandment. I have never, ever murdered anyone. But Jesus complicates it by broadening this […]
My Lenten Confessional: Day 9
Dear God: So that 5th commandment: honor thy father and mother. I love my parents, but as I read this passage this morning, I realized this has to be to be the commandment I’ve broken more than any other in my life. From my days as a talk-backing, eye-rolling child I was to the–well–talk-backing, eye-rolling […]