For the past couple weeks as I’ve been cranking out chapters for my book (yikes! the manuscript is due in just over two months!), I’ve found myself knee deep in the issue of stereotypes, labels and assumptions. In fact, everywhere I look, it seems people are talking about the ill effects of trying to live up […]
‘Rich in Other Ways’
This morning I overheard one of the moms from church preschool trying to explain to her child why there were trays full of peanut butter by the coat racks. “They’re for people who can’t afford to buy food,” she said. “But those people are rich in other ways.” Her daughter asked, “What ways?” And she answered, “I […]
Getting to Know God
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” —Luke 2: 34-35 Last […]
Walk Free
If you read my two earlier posts, you can see I’ve been wrestling with some things that totally aggravate me. But I need to switch gears—it’s Christmas, after all! So here’s a quick thought: Yesterday I found myself doing something I hadn’t done in who knows how long: I walked through a couple of familiar […]
Let’s Talk Fake IDs—Part II
Here are a few more questions. This time they’re more on the loss of self: Describe a time or a situation when you feel most energized and most like yourself. I’ve heard the loss of self that accompanies motherhood described as an “epidemic.” Can you relate to that? If so, how? Can you think of […]
Let’s Talk Fake IDs–Part I
I have a wonderful group of women who’ve agreed to help me out with some stories and “research” for my book. While I’ve emailed them the questions, I also said I’d post some of them online—in the event they’d rather answer them there or to spark some conversation. Anyone is welcome—and encouraged!—to respond. Here’s the […]