[Prayer spark: Megan Fox’s (not that Megan Fox, as this Megan says) speaking out against public pornography viewing in libraries.]
Today I pray for the crusaders–not, as you know, The Crusaders, neither the holy-grail seeking villains (though, please do have mercy on their souls) nor the sports teams with this name (though, be with them as well….). But for people who speak up, who speak out, who take a stand and hold their ground.
Whether or not I agree with–or even totally get–the stands taken, the opposition voiced, I thank you for people will to do this. For the guts it takes to speak out when most of us stick to the sidelines. Thank you for crusaders who speak up against wrongs in politics, in religion, in communities. For those who face persecution in varying degrees for doing so.
To these crusaders, God, to those who believe they are following your voice and your call on their lives:
Grant them courage
Grant them fire
Grant them peace
Grant them stamina
Grant them protection
Grant them wisdom
And God make us all grateful for people willing to take stands. Give us grace–let us forbear–when confronted with crusaders with whom we disagree. Give us words of encouragement for those we support.
And let us all become willing crusaders for the causes on your heart–for justice and mercy and love.
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