[Prayer Spark: Duh. Halloween!! Boo!]
God of All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Winged and Creepy,
Be with the little goblins and spooks, cartoon characters and animals, witches and angels who trick-or-treat today.
May there be safety and laughter,
Camaraderie and joy,
Delight in the fright,
Peace in the rushes,
Friends for the lonely,
Conversation with the recluses,
Gratitude in the abundance, and
Love and memories made among packs of kids.
God, bring your presence and your goodness to the trick-or-treaters. Invite them in to your mystery; into the thrills and chills of life with you.
May this Halloween, every knock on a door, every chat with the neighbors, every spooky decoration, every hilarious costume, every bite of candy glorify you.
LOVE THIS PRAYER! Would like to use it in worship with citation of course. Thank you!