So I’ve been thinking about “voice” in the literary sense for a talk I’m giving in October to a bunch of leaders on writing (wow. THAT was clunky!).
And it just dawned on me that one of the things that frustrates me as a mom is not only that we tend to lose ourselves amidst the chaos of our lives, but often our voices too. I mean, I’ve GAINED the kind of voice I never wanted to have (that “oh my gosh are the windows open? Can the neighbors hear me yelling?” voice), but in many ways, the ability to be heard—in the way I want to be—gets lost. Not totally. But a bit.
But then I realized that motherhood revved up my voice in my writing. I mean, I write a ton more now than I ever did before. So I’ve got that going for me.
I’m wondering what your thoughts are. Has motherhood helped you find your voice or lose it?
I definitely found my voice after becoming a mother. It’s amazing how bold I can be when I need to protect my “youngens”, when before I wouldn’t have spoken up for myself.
My voice became much louder after having kids. Meaning, I had more to say and a real need for others to hear. Watching the world through my children’s eyes has given me a whole new perspective on things that never seemed to bother me before. I want to stand up for more things that seem wrong. I want to argue the opposing viewpoint if I think it is something that improves their lives. It’s made me want to make the world better for my kids, and I think it takes speaking up to make that happen.
Your article reminded me of what’s missing now that I have just sent my last child off to college. It’s the organization routine. And even though it only lasts for a week or so, I think I need that right now. I think I’ll make a schedule for me, my husband and puppy. Otherwise, I am just aimlessly walking around my house for several hours.
I couldn’t help laughing at Beth’s comment with a little envy. I got 3 children under 5 years old and thinking of them all grown going off to college seems so far away. 🙂
I too found my voice as a Mom, fighting for what is right, yelling at my children to do what is right, arguing with my husband about what is right, screaming at the TV telling the host what right really is… Sometimes, I feel like I have a voice but no one is listening. But I have learned to be bolder and not care. Now I am fearless! I speak and if what I say finds an ear, Praise the Lord. If it doesn’t, Praise the Lord too!! Motherhood is a totally new way of doing life!!! LOL