I’m not usually one to go about making New Year’s resolutions because I don’t believe in setting anyone up for failure—myself included! But looking back over the past year, I realized I’ve got a few things I really need to work on (plus, I’m itching for a reason to use my cute bug bullet points again). […]
Getting to Know God
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” —Luke 2: 34-35 Last […]
A Christmas Blog Card
A couple days ago, in the midst of the zillions things going on, I panicked: Oh, no! Christmas cards! I totally forgot. So I figured I had two choices: 1. Stop everything and bring all kinds of stress and Christmas chaos into my house just so I could get cards printed, labeled, and out the door […]
My Door-Slamming Church
I’m not huge on tears, but tonight my church made me cry. That’s not a good thing. The “leaders” in my church just voted 17-13 to continue to bar women from the offices of elder and deacon. And this hurts. More than I thought it would. I had prayed that these men would “hold open the doors” for […]
What’s Your ‘Pebble’?
A few weeks ago, my five-year-old son asked, “Mom, what’s your pebble?” “Huh?” I asked back. “Your PEB-BLE,” he said. “You know, like how my left foot is smaller than my other one…” I resisted the “huh?” again, even though I had no idea what he was talking about—pebbles or foot size (his feet are the same size, […]
Leading with Your Real Life
To those of you who clicked over from Gifted For Leadership, sorry about the repeat! You can scroll down for some original stuff that never appeared at GFL. To the rest of you, here’s what I posted at GFL this week: The Gift of Being Real I should’ve trusted the worship leaders at my church […]