I’m not usually one to go about making New Year’s resolutions because I don’t believe in setting anyone up for failure—myself included! But looking back over the past year, I realized I’ve got a few things I really need to work on (plus, I’m itching for a reason to use my cute bug bullet points again). These are some things I’m less resolved to change than I am about asking God to work with me on. Here goes:
- Find a better outlet for my stress (Read: stop yelling at my family because I’ve got too much on my plate. Not their fault I like to bite off more than I can chew!).
- Find a better way to deal with anger. Without thinking too hard, I can rattle off five things in the past year that really p****ed me off and that I ended up acting out in ways I shouldn’t have. While anger can be a good thing, I don’t always harness it well.
- Be more patient with my kids. I love them like crazy, but having three little kids vying for my attention during the 15 hours a day at least one of them is awake can make me insane. I have plenty of good, patient days so I know I can do this. But it’s hard.
- Be more positive. Negativity and pessimism are in my genes, and it’s hard for me to fight against. But it’s a LOUSY way to live! Maybe I need to read some Joel Osteen. (Yeah right! At least I’m positive that won’t happen!)
- Be kinder, more appreciative, and more loving to my husband. If you hadn’t noticed, the above list of things I need to work on wouldn’t always make me the easiest woman to be married to! But he loves me anyway, and I can do better as a wife.
- Stop feeding the dog so much. So now I’m getting silly, but our once-sleek Rottie just walked by giving me that “feed me” look and he’s really getting fat, fat, fat!
- Walk the dog more. This would help with all of the above.
Happy New Year, everybody! I’d love to hear your resolutions.
I’m just going to use your list.
And thanks for Orlando!