Dear God: Your 4th commandment says: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to theLord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor […]
Why Create–Reason #1
The other day I told a friend a weird thing I do: when I’m super busy, overwhelmed with the amount of work I have and the little time I have to do it in, I take on more work. Not other huge projects necessarily, but smaller ones. I’ll say yes to writing a blog post that […]
Growl Halle-Rottweiler!
The great thing about a sweet picture of a rottweiler puppy for a test post is that it doesn’t matter at all what I write here. Let’s just all look at that widdle facey wacey. Thanks to my web guy extraordinaire, Marc Miller, for popping this up. Makes my miss my old, sweet Rottweiler, Blade. (Honestly, […]
The Mom-Heart Connection
Caryn: So a couple weeks back, I became That Mom. You know, the one who gets screamed at by another mom because she did something horrible and irresponsible and caused a huge commotion? That one. That was me. I’m still reeling from what transpired. Here’s the story: Our dog hates other dogs—or most other dogs. And […]
Revolutionary Reads: “Rest”
**Freebie Alert!**
A month of so ago, author Keri Wyatt Kent asked Carla and I if we’d be interested in reviewing her newest book, Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity
Since Keri’s a friend of the blog and a Revolutionary Mom herself, we said sure. While we’ve never tackled this sort of thing here before, we thought we’d give it a […]